
This is my second “Questions” post. The first was so well received that it warranted another. (and by well received I mean I definitively got some passionate responses coming from all sides) The following questions are specifically asked here because the “cliché” expected responses which we tend to hear is exactly what I want us to consider.

I’ll ask you to think about what you might expect people to say, then really think about what I am asking—-I think you’ll find that there are some different responses that we might consider if we dig deeper

READERS BEWARE: Be very careful reading past this point. These questions might challenge decades old paradigms and educational philosophies in our society. By asking these questions, we have to be willing to look beyond the cliche answers, we have to be ready to really hear the responses we get. That it might be time to make some changes—-is not a bad thing. Our society has changed dramatically in so many ways….perhaps there are new ways of looking at our education system and making improvements where they make sense

There is no right or wrong when having these discussions. The discussion itself is the goal.

RSVP if there are some huge questions left unasked

Ok, let’s just dive in head first… we go….

  • Consider our current A-F grading system. If a student starts slow in the class, but by the end of the class has mastered the skills of that area, shouldn’t that student have the highest grade possible?
  • Grades: Is a grade a reflective measure of how much content was learned in the class? or a measure of how that knowledge can be used or demonstrated? or a measure of how hard the student worked? or a measure of how well the student followed directions? or an arbitrary measure?
  • Are there effective evaluation tools other than quizzes and tests?
  • ….speaking of which, what exactly are we trying to evaluate anyway?
  • What are we trying to accomplish through nightly homework?
    ** Consider your response to this question. What do you think is the “cliche” response from the schools? from society? Do we actually accomplish that goal?

  • Why have we learned to associate rigor with amount of homework?
  • …and what is rigor anyway?
  • Do departments and schools ever discuss homework, the value of homework, the expectations of homework, the amount of homework, the evaluation of homework?
  • Is the value that we think is there for semester/year ending exams really there?
  • Have we considered how many hours of time are spent by schools preparing for, administering, and grading exams?
    ** Consider your response to this question. What do you think is the “cliche” response from the schools? from society? How does what we say we are trying to accomplish compare with what we actually accomplish with exams?

  • Is a long summer break the best scheduling option for schools/teachers?
  • Is a long summer break the best scheduling option for students/learning?
  • Is a long summer break the best scheduling option for families?
  • Is the daily schedule going from class to class to class over the course of 7-8 hours the most efficient use of our time?
  • What if there was a different daily schedule in the fall, spring, and winter?
  • Is there any value to offering classes during the evening? weekend? holidays? What if students could choose to take classes during that time? What if teachers could elect to offer classes during those non-traditional times
  • Is there value in capstone-like, large, multi-week projects at the end of a semester?
  • Why are AP exams offered 1 month before the end of school?
  • Why do we offer AP exams? Is the reason students take AP classes the same reason why we offer those classes?
  • Why is it a given that students will incur debt as a natural consequence of going to college?
  • Is the price of college/university worth it?
  • Is the process by which students apply and are admitted to college an effective system?
  • Is there value in standardized college entrance examinations such as ACT and SAT? Is any of that value supported by the test itself?
  • What is the goal of elementary (Lower) school?
  • What is the goal of middle(jr. high) school?
  • What is the goal of high school?
  • Consider your responses to the previous 3 questions. What do you think is the “cliche” response from the schools? from society? Do we actually accomplish those goals?
  • woah…this is gonna sting….has school becomes irrelevant? Has school gotten in the way of education?
  • Consider the traditional “core” classes as determined by your state curriculum committees. What subject areas are included as core classes? Do these reflect the values and needs of your community? Do these support the goals of our school system? Do these reflect what is valued and needed by business in order to innovate and lead in the upcoming decade?
  • Do you as a parent, through your comments, actions, and behaviors, support the expectations of the school your children attend?
  • Do you, as an administrator, take time to ask these types of questions…or do you primarily focus on the day to day issues of running a school?

I look forward to the discussions these questions might spark.

If you liked the style of questions posed here, consider reading my previous Questions (part 1) post.

There is a different way to look at education. As a parent, teacher, student, administrator, or policy maker, keep your eyes and ears open, but look differently and listen better. If something I said here makes sense to you, then we should probably connect. Find me.

About Doug Bergman

Professional Educator
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