Category Archives: Uncategorized

Do we still need Computer Science in a world where AI can write code for us?

Absolutely. The programs and applications that we use to access AI are written in code. The algorithms that are used to train models for machine learning are written in code. The data that are collected, and the data wrangling that … Continue reading

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The Cost of Learning

The cost of learning is minimal, but the cost of NOT learning is HUGE. Business leaders, are you measuring the costs only in money?

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Un-Learning Un-training, Un-workshop

Ask yourself Is there a lack of excitement and energy around learning and training in your organization? Are learning and training viewed as a requirement and not an opportunity? Is there a disconnect between training and the people being trained? … Continue reading

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6 Elements of Effective Online Learning

The world of online learning has taken the world by storm over the last several years. One of the questions we struggle with is, “How do we create effective online learning?” It’s simple: Address the why before the how. In … Continue reading

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The Great Resignation. The Great Layoff. What happened to loyalty?

Immediately following Covid, we saw “The Great Resignation” where the nature of working changed, people were unsatisfied with their current role, the way they were being treated, or how much they were being paid. Because they were remote and alone, … Continue reading

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What we need in business

The business world needs more technical people who can interact with non-technical people. We need more non-technical people who can interact with technical people. We need more non-technical people to develop technical skills. We need more technically-trained people to develop … Continue reading

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Digital Native Skills

Having spent many years in the Computer Science classroom, I developed a pretty good understanding of how digital natives interact with technology. The biggest thing I noticed is that their tech device is a part of them like a wallet … Continue reading

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Education Must Evolve

Education is famous for being an incredibly slow moving body when it comes to change. But if anything good came out of Covid, we learned that we can adapt and learn new ways of doing things.    Teachers: Learned that … Continue reading

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Reimagining Education

This post is in reference to this article Why not take the opportunity to look at every facet of education, keep the parts we love, kick out the parts that are useless, fix the parts that broken, update the parts … Continue reading

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K12 Education Really Comes Down to 3 Things

First: Watch this To anyone out there involved or interested in K-12(and even higher ed) education, find 5 minutes to watch this TODAY. What we need in education really comes down to 3 things: 1) mastery learning where students learn … Continue reading

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