Author Archives: Doug Bergman

About Doug Bergman

Professional Educator

Do we still need Computer Science in a world where AI can write code for us?

Absolutely. The programs and applications that we use to access AI are written in code. The algorithms that are used to train models for machine learning are written in code. The data that are collected, and the data wrangling that … Continue reading

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The place of AI in 2024

The automobile The airplane The phone The internet The smart phone And…..artificial intelligence Every technology breakthrough from the last 100 years has transformed society. Some overnight, and some over decades. Every one of these has incredible potential for doing amazing … Continue reading

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The human brain craves story.  Books, libraries, movies, poems, literature, myths, legends, even stories in science astrology signs, zodiac patterns, songs, novels, short stories, magazines, even religion. How many us can describe the scene in Titanic where Jack spread his … Continue reading

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The Coming Wave

As promised, here is a summary and reflection on the ideas in (co-founder of DeepMind, co-founder of Inflection AI) Mustafa Suleyman’s new book, The Coming Wave. What the author does well in the book is show where and how AI … Continue reading

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The Cost of Learning

The cost of learning is minimal, but the cost of NOT learning is HUGE. Business leaders, are you measuring the costs only in money?

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Un-Learning Un-training, Un-workshop

Ask yourself Is there a lack of excitement and energy around learning and training in your organization? Are learning and training viewed as a requirement and not an opportunity? Is there a disconnect between training and the people being trained? … Continue reading

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Digital Natives and ChatGPT. (Not what you think)

In regards to this Scientific American article. AI in education. Ah yes. The big conundrum. We forget students are still kids, still learning how the world works. Their brain is still developing. How does AI impact that? Yes, they are … Continue reading

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No Zeroes Grading and “The Game”

First read this We are Teachers post. From a mathematical point of view, using the 50% minimum grade makes sense. The problem when trying to implement this is that the rest of the system remains unchanged, so the implementation attempt … Continue reading

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Autonomous Cars- What’s the hold up?

On the way home recently, I got stuck in traffic due to 4 different car accidents. Ambulances were at 3 of them. My point? Humans are terrible drivers. In our cars, we hurt people, kill people, and cause damage all … Continue reading

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Unveiling the Future of Education: Exploring Current Innovations in AI

In the digital era, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various facets of life has become inevitable. One of the most impactful realms witnessing revolutionary advancements is education. AI’s transformative power is reshaping traditional pedagogical approaches, fostering personalized learning … Continue reading

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