Author Archives: Doug Bergman

About Doug Bergman

Professional Educator

K12 Education Really Comes Down to 3 Things

First: Watch this To anyone out there involved or interested in K-12(and even higher ed) education, find 5 minutes to watch this TODAY. What we need in education really comes down to 3 things: 1) mastery learning where students learn … Continue reading

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The Declining Value of the College Degree

This post is based on this article It is important that we are having this discussion. But, as the article says, it’s not black and white. In some areas, demand in the workplace is high enough where a full 4 … Continue reading

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The Future of Education

The United States is slowly coming out of these crazy covid times….scarred badly, but alive and kicking. Education, typically a slow-moving and change-resistant institution, saw that it can actually pivot quickly…and in many cases, effectively. What did we learn? As … Continue reading

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The Value Proposition in Education

No question that schools earn their tuition when students are on campus. There are great academics, clubs, service projects, sports, study groups, friends and peers, amazing learning experiences in the classroom, fun gathering places, assemblies, speakers, cool research projects, activities, … Continue reading

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Virtual Reality in education and business

This morning I went to an art gallery that was completely empty.–and loved it. It was empty until I put on my Halolens. Then the entire gallery came to life as it filled with vibrant 3D colorful artwork, moving statues, … Continue reading

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Is the college model relevant?

I was intrigued by a recent Linked In post commenting on the irrelevance of the current college model. This speaker was actually referencing yet another talking-head whose point was that the current college educational model was an excellent preparation tool … Continue reading

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Inclusion and Diversity in the Engaged Computer Science Classroom

I was honored to have been asked to present as part of Microsoft’s Hack the Classroom: Change Maker series. It focuses on engagement being the key factor towards attracting a wide variety of students Here is that video

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The silver lining of corona in education

Schools are infamous for slow change. Yes, most schools have made more change in just weeks than they made in years. Of course there were mistakes, gaps, failures, and challenges….but there were also surprises, problems solved, advances, and tremendous successes. … Continue reading

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Learning in post-covid times

After 12 long months, education is starting to re-open, teachers are finding their way back into the classroom, and students are re-experiencing in-person classes again. From a technology perspective, schools have made more headway in the last 12 months than … Continue reading

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We have some choices to make right now.

We teachers have some choices that we have to make right now. Many of us have established some connection with students via technology, but what happens during those times of connection is tremendously varied. Social media has offered us numerous … Continue reading

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